Student | Blogger | Avid Reader | ( Soon To Be ) Web Developer
How To Not End A Story · The title of this blog is a fantasy book and therefore it must be obvious that yours truly here is there to write a review of...
So we are all aware of the art of snake charming. It’s when you hypnotize a snake by singing a note with a pungi. So this pungi must be having some...
The readers of this blog would know how big of a follower of minimalism I am. But recently, I heard a statement in against to minimalism. That person...
In this journey as a blogger, I lost sight of the importance of writing. Writing had been a leisure activity for me. The way my hands flow through the...
Gone are the days of patiently waiting · The world has evolved considerably over the past million years but it was only recently that the pace of...
A Guide to Prioritization and Minimization · An incident occurred today due to which my anxiety sky rocketed. I had absolutely no clue what to do with my...