Estuary - Introduction

In this journey as a blogger, I lost sight of the importance of writing. Writing had been a leisure activity for me. The way my hands flow through the keys of the keyboard or the sound of a pen on paper. I seem to had forgotten them.
I thought that by starting a blog, I would be a more consistent writer but I couldn't had been far from the truth. The reason for that? Well, writing became more of a formality for me. But that is not when I started to get really inconsistent with my posts. That happened when I started to schedule the days I would write a post. Writing became a task rather a feeling of joy and pleasure.
A blog post need not always be of a 1000 or so words. It is a medium of expression. To express your thoughts and insights of various matters or just small talk in general is blogging.

And therefore, I took the initiative of starting a series of short blog posts: Estuary

Honestly, the naming of the series also went through a voyage. At first, I thought of naming it based on the first thing I saw in my room. Well...that didn't work for the first thing I did see in my room was a water bottle. Therefore, I decided to put a little more effort into naming it. After browsing and debating between hundreds of names for an hour, I finally chose this.

The funny thing is that the purpose of this blog is quiet opposite to what an estuary is. According to the Oxford Dictionary, an estuary is the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream. The streams, despite having separate origins, they all together meet at a point and then submerge into the vast rivers. And that meeting point is an estuary. But unlike streams, our daily thoughts or small-talks usually don't submerge into something big, except for times when we are planning for a project. But a day, during which we process almost 70000 thoughts, do lead somewhere. Each day counts, even though we don't realize it. It leads us to a place unknown to all of us. Therefore the name, estuary.

PS: Daily posts incoming ( hopefully ).